Tashkent International Clinic, as a division of Tashkent International Health and Education Service, has long-standing experience in Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and has been diligent in positively contributing to society and ensuring environmental sustainability through these programs. As a top health organization, TIC has continuously given back to the community and focuses its initiatives on three general sustainable development goals: social, educational, and environmental protection activities. Below are some memories from projects in 2020 and 2021:


TIC as a Part of CSR Events and Projects

  • On December 3rd, 2020, in cooperation with the longstanding beneficiary National Association of Women with Disabilities, TIC sponsored the National Day of Disabled Persons concert.
  • On April 17th, 2021, in cooperation with the AmCham CSR group, TIC participated in an open-door activity “Clean-up Bolajon Park.” This event was organized by Makhsustrans and AmCham Uzbekistan and sponsored by TIC and a number of other international organizations.
  • On June 15th, 2021, Agrocluster Silverleafe, in conjunction with the Professional Women’s Football Club “Sogdiana,” initiated a charity football game, which TIC sponsored and awarded with a Certificate of Appreciation.
  • TIC led monthly CSR meetings at AmCham as a part of the AmCham group.